My Priorities

    • Expand and expedite affordable (inclusionary) and senior housing options, including attracting new partners to the Burlington market.

    • Seriously explore measures to limit rental increases, which includes incentivization measures for property owners. Activating a Housing Task Force including property owners to really dig into these issues and realize a sustainable future for our housing market. I support sustainable solutions that provide renters with security and allow property owners to remain flexible and responsive to fluctuating market realities.

    • Intentionally update our housing code to protect both renters and support property owners. This includes strengthening our Department of Permitting and Inspections’ and the Housing Board of Review’s authority to enforce code and ordinance violations more effectively, as well addressing some of the unrealistic burdens that property owners face when attempting to recoup legitimate damages.

    • Implement the recommendations of the new assessor and do reassessments more frequently. Work with State partners to ensure homesteading credits are more responsive to Burlington’s needs.

    • Restore and revitalize our Police Department, expanding their ability to respond to and investigate crime, and increasing their ability to proactively address gun and drug-related criminal activity through additional task force support and getting the street crime unit back up and running when staffing permits.

    • Partner to proactively address repeat criminal behavior emphasizing accountability and restorative support. I am committed to being a voice for commonsense community expectations for our public spaces and parks.

    • Build on targeted service delivery by our Fire and Rescue who are on the front lines of our opioid epidemic response.

    • Work with public health and safety experts to execute a realistic solution to the increasing open-air substance use in our downtown and neighborhoods. This will entail a complex and collaborative plan that needs to include bolstering outreach, smart harm reduction measures, treatment and recovery resources, and thoughtful stabilization measures for individuals living with addiction. I will support a pragmatic and research-supported Mayoral public safety plan.

    • Work together with our new Mayor, community partners, and policymakers across Vermont to urgently support and resource Burlington in this work to ensure we remain a vibrant economic engine and a safe and clean tourism hub.

    • Straightforwardly address the safety concerns of downtown businesses by expanding on-site police services through a staffed kiosk program modeled after those in larger urban areas. This includes proactively addressing public safety issues in our parking garages. While we currently don’t have the police staffing to achieve this, my goal would be to change that!

    • Explore and expand regional partnerships to collaboratively help Burlington address issues facing our downtown business district.

    • Focus in on a concerning horizon of commercial and retail vacancy.

    • Review recent decisions to centralize social services, study the impact, and address the issues.

    • Support our School Board and School District as they work to transition our students out of Downtown BHS and into a new, state-of-the-art high school in 2026/27.

    • Deepen supports for school staff and teachers who are addressing significant challenges with absenteeism, interpersonal conflict, and substance use.

    • Partner with City and State leaders to expand resources available to the District to address student support needs.

    • Expand and improve a culture of evaluation and accountability for our city leaders. I commit to understanding our plans deeply and ensuring our publicly funded decisions are yielding the results and returns we want them to have.

    • Burlington will face significant budgetary challenges in the coming fiscal year. With the $19m in federal ARPA money depleted, I will be a voice for practical fiscal responsibility.

    • Improve public access to public meetings that are currently not offering virtual options and work with the City to launch a self-service agenda e-mail delivery system to help keep residents informed about the issues under consideration. This also includes evaluating and improving public feedback systems.

    • Work with our transportation experts to evaluate recent changes to the cost of public transit while also working to improve onboard safety for drivers and riders.

    • Continue to improve accessibility for those living with disabilities, mobility restrictions, and English language learners.

    • Work on directing critical resources toward climate resiliency and modernizing our aging infrastructure. Following the devastating floods our State endured in June 2023, Burlington needs to be more focused on adaptation and resiliency to climate change and extreme weather events.

    • Support our Net Zero energy goals.

    • Burlington residents, visitors, and pets deserve to be able to swim in our beaches on hot summer days without fear of toxic bacteria and algal blooms. We all treasure our lake and I want to deepen our community’s commitment to protecting it. I will work to improve and protect our lake health in order to preserve accessible beaches and our way of life.